Global Pregnancy Collaboration (CoLab) Annual Membership Details

Following extensive discussions, CoLab will require fees for both individual and organizational memberships. These fees will support the operations of CoLab as well as offer multiple benefits to members. 

Membership benefits:

  • Access to COLLECT and CONNECT databases
  • Access to CoLab databases (bio-specimens & clinical data)
  • Access to bio-specimens from fellow members
  • Eligibility to serve on CoLab committees, and assume leadership roles in CoLab
  • Participation in planning of lecture/webinar series
  • Invitation to the annual meeting
  • Sponsorship of adjunct and LMIC members
  • Notification of grant funding opportunities
  • Eligibility to serve as co-applicants on applicable CoLab collaborative grants
  • Mentorship with senior members in grant writing and career development
  • Ability to mentor to junior investigators and trainees
  • Connection with industry partners, including notification of biospecimens requests
  • Opportunities to serve on CoLab advisory panels to industry

Membership fees will support:

  • General operation of CoLab (administration, virtual meetings)
  • Sponsorship of adjunct members and trainees
  • Subsidize attendance at meetings for trainees and members from LMIC
  • New activities and initiatives
  • Meetings, lecture series and training programs
  • Invited external speakers at meetings
  • CoLab publications

Fee Structure* per year:

  • Organization (e.g. Foundation, Company, Consortia): $500 (includes up to 3 people)
  • Individual Membership: $250
  • In-training Membership: $125
    • Includes recognized training positions (e.g. residency, fellowship, graduate school, postdoc)

*Fees can be reduced to $50 due to financial hardship (e.g. trainees, adjunct members, members in LMICs). Further reduction may be possible in special cases.

To request an alternate fee or exemption: Contact CoLab leadership at


  • Individuals or organizations can voluntarily sponsor adjunct or LMIC members with an additional contribution of $50/member

Payment details:

Membership cycle commencing annually on January 1

After completing payment, you will receive a donation receipt from the OHSU Foundation which will make your membership fee tax deductible. Contact for questions or issues.  Thank you!