Many obstetric problems, including preeclampsia, are complex syndromes with more than one subtype suggesting differing underlying pathogenic pathways. To unravel these complexities, large, statistically powerful datasets formed by merging many smaller studies are needed. Databases are expensive to design and maintain and often difficult/impossible to merge as different databases may be incompatible.

The Global Pregnancy Collaboration (CoLab) has created a standard pregnancy database available for online use by interested investigators in both low- and middle-income and in high-income countries.

Minimal dataset: agreed and defined for preeclampsia
Identical data items: collected in same format
Avoid point of care diagnosis: enough primary clinical/laboratory data collected to enable retrospective diagnosis by impartial investigators
Variable Definitions: dataset allows retrospective specification of definitions
Optimal dataset: (including the minimal dataset) is also agreed and defined
Optional data items: available for specific investigators and local study-specific requirements
On line input and access to data: with a local spreadsheet option where needed
Security and ethical considerations: each database is fully owned by the investigator
Collaboration: is enabled but not required.
Global application: high functionality for investigators anywhere in the world
Affordable: free of charge in LMIC for investigators without funding, nominal charge ($100/month) in HIC
Updated: as needed while retaining core consistency
Clinical Studies/Trials: facilitated by use of database
Other pregnancy pathologies: can be studied by adapting the database with add-on data fields (e.g., preterm birth)

Near to a state-of-the art system as possible, tailor made for preeclampsia research but easily adaptable for other problems or just clinical record keeping, cheap, secure, flexible, can be individualized, laboratory inventory system, facilitates collaborative research, available in a format suitable for RCTs, can be translated to different languages, your research database

Brazil – Prematurity Reduction by Preeclampsia Care (PREPARE)

Marcos Dias

Brazil – Angiogenic factors Will Add in Risk Evaluation (AWARE)
PI: Leandro Gustavo De Oliveira

Chile – Maternal Thyroid Profile Characterization
PI: Enrique Guzman

Ethiopia – Air Pollution and Inflammation Study
PI: Stefan Hansson

Sweden – Gothenburg Preeclampsia Obstetric Adverse Events (GO-PROVE)
PI: Lina Bergman

UK – Chronic Hypertension and L-Citrulline Study (CHERRY)
PI: Jenny Myers

UK – Post-natal enalapril to improve cardiac function following preterm pre-eclampsia (PICk-UP)
PI: Laura Ormesher


Available NOW—for more information, please contact Development funded by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Please note that the COLLECT database does not have accessible data. If you are an investigator who wishes to collaborate with existing datasets and/or biospecimens, click here to read about this process with CoLab.